Over the past few months, the Mental Health Research Matters team spoke with representatives across the UKRI-funded mental health networks about the Covid-19 pandemic. The result? a video series called Co-videos. The Co-videos explore how the networks responded to the pandemic, and their successes along the way. UKRI funded the mental health networks in 2018,...
CRASSH Webinar: Children and artificial intelligence: risks, opportunities and the future
Children and artificial intelligence will explore the future of online safety. The speakers will discuss how to harness the opportunities of language-based AI for children while minimising risks. The workshop is convened by Giving Voice to Digital Democracies, part of the Centre for the Humanities and Social Change. It will be hosted at CRASSH, Cambridge, and organised...
eNurture Funding: A showcase of research projects
Join eNurture for a showcase the network’s funded projects. Hear findings from researchers from eNurture’s first funding round, who completed their work in 2020, as well as updates from researchers from eNurture’s latest funding round. eNurture will also announce its next funding call – so make sure you reserve your ticket to be one of...
Deadline: eNurture funding call (extended)
This is the deadline for applications for the the eNurture network funding call. Grants for small (£12,500), medium (£31,250) and large projects (£56,250) lasting up to 12 months are available for projects focusing on young people’s mental health in the digital world. Click here to find out more about this call.
Tackling Mental Health Challenges Amongst Young People: Finding digital solutions
This event is now over. For recordings, please visit the below URLS: Part 1: https://www.enurture.org.uk/current-events/2020/9/14/tackling-mental-health-challenges-amongst-young-people-finding-digital-solutions Part 2: https://www.enurture.org.uk/current-events/2020/9/21/tackling-mental-health-challenges-amongst-young-people-finding-solutions-to-digital-problems This webinar from the eNurture network will focus on digital based or enabled solutions to supporting children and young people who have experienced, or are at risk of mental health difficulties. There will be a variety...
eNurture Funding Round 2: Live Q&A session
In this webinar eNurture Director, Gordon Harold, and Network Coordinator, Sui-Mee Chan will answer questions relating to their second plus funding call. Applications are invited for small (£12,500), medium (£31,250) and large projects (£56,250) lasting up to 12 months for projects on young people’s mental health in the digital world, with a focus on the...
Webinar: eNurture – What’s on and how to get involved
eNurture Director Prof Gordon Harold, Deputy Director Dr Elvira Perez Vallejos, and Network Coordinator Dr Sui-Mee Chan, provide an update on Network activities and future plans, including new information on their second funding call.
Webinar: Viewpoints – mental health and schools as nurturing environments in the digital age
Webinar from eNurture exploring the models of working that schools could adopt in order to become nurturing environments in a digital age.