
Older People’s Wellbeing

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus consequat dolor ut felis blandit imperdiet. Fusce facilisis odio sit amet felis ultricies aliquam. Nunc congue est sollicitudin mollis dictum. Aenean non augue vel velit venenatis egestas. Quisque ullamcorper, arcu ut volutpat tristique, ipsum orci luctus orci, id eleifend justo purus vel metus. Fusce vitae libero...

Supporting children and young people with their worries and anxiety

Online webinar

What does research tell us about how best to support children and young people with their worries at this time. This webinar is for those supporting children and young people (e.g.: parents, peer supporters, practitioners, researchers, youth workers etc). The aim of the webinar is to provide a friendly forum to address your concerns and...


Webinar: eNurture – What’s on and how to get involved

eNurture Director Prof Gordon Harold, Deputy Director Dr Elvira Perez Vallejos, and Network Coordinator Dr Sui-Mee Chan, provide an update on Network activities and future plans, including new information on their second funding call.

Longitudinal Studies e-Workshop

As part of the SMARTEN network's ongoing work to support the national development of an open access shared data set capturing longitudinal data for student mental health, they have launched their first in a series of virtual events to support discussion between researchers involved in longitudinal studies. This webinar, led by Dr Emma Broglia, will...