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SMaRteN are pleased to invite proposals for research projects to address student’s key questions about student mental health. Funding is available as part of the UKRI ‘plus’ funding scheme for Mental Health Networks. The deadline for proposals is 17:00 on the 14th of April 2021
This funding call invites researchers to start new research addressing key questions identified during the 2019-2020 Priority Setting Exercise. This exercise was run by SMaRteN and relied on student input.
The total funding available through this call is £135,000, which is expected to fund a combination of small projects and medium sized projects for 12 months.
For more information, visit SMaRteN’s website here
Previous funding calls
£50,000 was available to fund a single research coordination project for a duration of 2 years to support universities to collaborate nationally to collect data to improve our understanding of student mental health. Find out more here.
SMARTEN also recently announced the results of its 2020 funding call exploring what non-clinical approaches to student mental health can achieve. Find out more here.
In 2019 SMARTEN funded 5 projects exploring what is distinctive about student mental health, which you can read more about here.
For more open funding calls from across the 8 UKRI mental health research networks, return to our funding page