If you’re looking for mental health research funding opportunities, this is a great place to start. See below for a list of funders for mental health research. UKRI – Find the latest funding opportunities from UK Research and Innovation, including mental health. Look out for opportunities from the MRC, and even the EPSRC. NIHR –...
Funding Opportunities
Emerging Minds
In 2021/22, Emerging Minds are focusing particularly on their ‘Big Question Research challenge’ which was identified as a priority in our original consultation workshops with stakeholders.
Violence, Abuse and Mental Health
There are no open funding opportunities for VAMHN network at the moment. Early Career Researcher Bursary Awards The network is delighted to launch another round of the Early Career Researcher (ECR) Training Bursary Scheme, which aims to support junior researchers to attend training courses, research placements at institutions other than their own, and conferences. Applicants...
Closing the Gap
Closing the Gap launched The Impact Accelerator Award, their final funding call, on 27th September 2021.
The aim of the call is to provide support for knowledge mobilisation activities and impact that address the challenge of reducing the health gap for people with experience of severe mental-ill health.
No open funding calls Previous funding calls SMaRteN are pleased to invite proposals for research projects to address student’s key questions about student mental health. Funding is available as part of the UKRI ‘plus’ funding scheme for Mental Health Networks. The deadline for proposals is 17:00 on the 14th of April 2021 This funding call...
MARCH: Social, Cultural and Community Assets for Mental Health
No open funding calls Previous funding calls Second funding round (closed) The MARCH Network’s second round of funding closed on Sunday 31st May 2020. Four projects which answered one of two specific high-priority questions were selected for larger investment of £50K, along with three projects addressing two broader priority questions for innovation grants of £20K,...
eNurture’s final funding round is now closed. eNurture’s third and final funding call is now live. The network is looking to fund research within the following thematic areas: A Focus on Families: The Digital World A Focus on Schools/Peers: The Digital World New Practice Models: Families and Schools Policy, Legal and Regulatory Frameworks Key dates:...
No open funding calls Previous funding calls The TRIUMPH Network plus-funding call for research projects closed in July 2020. They are delighted to announce that grants have been awarded to support the following projects that will start from October 2020. Co-production or adaptation of online interventions for foster care: Promoting the mental health and wellbeing...
Loneliness and Social Isolation Network
No open funding calls Previous funding calls October 2020 – Up to £50K was available from the Loneliness and Social Isolation in Mental Health network as part of their second funding call on interventions. Grants were available for £15K and £50K for small or large projects respectively, provided at 80% of full economic costing. For...